NPR (National Public Radio) Nature Audio Resources


I have recently learned about an application for smart phones that provides an educational environment for children while driving in a car.  When your smart phone is linked to your car’s radio (audio system) then the kids can listen (in the back seat) to some very informative science and nature reports and stories while you are driving (in traffic or a regular trip).  It is possible to “setup” the smart phone (select the report with a length the same as your drive time) prior to beginning the drive so you do not have to interact with the phone at all.  The following is how to connect to NPR One and it’s very interesting resources:

Search in your phone’s “App Store” for “NPR One”, and install it on your phone. You will be asked to link to your local NPR Station, your zip code will find it for you.

When you open the application, click on the magnifying glass at the left of the top menu and search for “Nature” (or other category). There are also interesting programs under “Explore”.

A list of programs (within a Nature search) will appear under headings of:

Nature Notes

The Nature of Things


(NPR Station) Discover Nature


(and more…)

When you select a program under the heading, you will see a brief summary. Under “play” you can find when the program was first aired as well as the length of the program.

You can setup your phone to begin playing the program before your car begins to move!