Geological and Atmospheric Issues that Effect Us
Be sure you carefully examine the videos located under “Classified Videos (by Subject), then within Geological and Atmospheric Issues that Effect us“. There are an amazing collection of videos there for you to examine.
Geological Change occurs on a time scale that human beings have a hard time experiencing. Large earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, do not occur very often in the life of a single person living in a particular location. Scientists can collect information about these events and present it through modern media in ways that humanity can actually experience these events in a personal manner.
The weather is a much more personal sort of thing than geological changes. And…modern media can provide societies with the video evidence of weather events that can relate personally from other personal experiences that we each have with the weather.
The videos about geological changes and weather events have been put together by people who are trying to tell the story of changes here on earth in ways that can help us prepare ourselves and our families in the event they occur where we are and when we are there.
What planning has your family done to prepare for events such as are displayed within the videos?
What agencies within your community can help your family with this planning?